National Right to Food Summits
We gather in person with the aims of deepening our connections with each other, learning from and about the work taking place in other parts of the country, and
strengthening our efforts to advance the right to food.

2024 Summit
Syracuse, NY
On June 4-5, 2024, we gathered in Syracuse for our second National Summit, exploring the theme: Right to Food as Pathway to Economic Justice and Community Self-determination. More than 150 people participated in the two-day event, including farmers, community leaders, advocates, academics, policy makers, food service workers, and local residents. The main goals were to amplify the systems and institutions that perpetuate food insecurity in high-poverty neighborhoods, alongside the solutions that are being implemented by community organizers and residents working directly with communities to break the cycle of children entering the school-to-prison pipeline.
The 2024 Summit was hosted in one of the most food insecure cities in the United States, with the intent to amplify the current state of the local food system and spark conversation about solutions that could resonate across the country. Rooted in the experiences of Syracuse residents on the south side and west side, the Summit included a People’s Tribunal, which served as a platform for demanding economic justice, community self-determination, and ensuring affordable, accessible, and nutritious food for all.
Video of the People’s Tribunal
2023 Summit
Miami, FL
Our first National Summit took place in Miami, Florida on April 13-14, 2023 in connection with the symposium on Food, Housing and Racial Justice, hosted by the University of Miami Law School's Human Rights Clinic. During the symposium, a people’s tribunal was held that was focused on Miami’s ordinance criminalizing the sharing of food to people experiencing homelessness in a group of 25 or more. The symposium also contained a day-long National Right to Food Community of Practice strategy session.
Read the Declaration of Miami
Watch participants answer the question: What does the Right to Food mean to you?
Learn more about the Symposium and a special issue of the University of Miami School of Law’s International and Comparative Law Review on the right to food ​​​​​​​