Understanding the Right to Food
Factsheet and interactive map on right to food laws throughout the U.S.
Nourishing Change: Fulfilling the Right to Food in the United States
Factsheet on international human rights to food, health, housing, and water
Food Banks and Charity as a False Response to Hunger in the Wealthy but Unequal Countries
Freedom from Hunger: An Achievable Goal for the United States of America

Research and Scholarship
Joshua Lohnes and Mackenzie Steele
The Uneven Legal Geographies of Nutrition Entitlement Programs in the United States. Realizing or Hindering the Right to Food? -
Mariana Chilton
Asserting Indigenous Sovereignty and Rights of Women and Nature to Ensure the Right to Food in the United States -
Joshua Lohnes
The Contested Politics of Food Banking in the United States -
R. Denisse Córdova Montes
Using International Human Rights Law to Address Hunger in the U.S.
Report of the National Strategy Meeting on Realizing the Rights to Food, Health and Housing in the U.S -
Wendy Heipt
The Right to Food Comes to America​
Implementing the RTF in the Connecticut Public Interest Law Journal, Volume 22
Factory Aquaculture vs. The Right to Food: The First Conflict on American Shores -
Janet Poppendieck
Reformist, progressive, radical: The case for an inclusive alliance -
Alison Cohen, Kayleigh Garthwaite, Sabine Goodwin, jade guthrie, Wendy Heipt
Food Banks and Charity as a False Response to Hunger in the Wealthy but Unequal Countries -
Audrey Tung, Reuben Rose-Redwood and Denise Cloutier
Breadlines, victory gardens, or human rights?: Examining food insecurity discourses in Canada -
Joshua Lohnes and Adam Pine
Feeding lines: Standing up in the neoliberal charitable food regime -
Mariana Chilton, PhD, MPH, and Donald Rose, PhD, MPH
A Rights-Based Approach to Food Insecurity in the United States -
Ana Ayala and Benjamin Mason Meier
A human rights approach to the health implications of food and nutrition insecurity -
Ellen K. Barnidge, PhD, Sandra H. Stenmark, MD, Marydale DeBor, JD, Hilary K. Seligman, MD
The Right to Food: Building Upon “Food Is Medicine” -
Mariana Chilton, Jenny Rabinowich, Christina Council, and Jennifer Breaux
Witnesses to Hunger: Participation through Photovoice to Ensure the Right to Food -
Tamar Ezer
Localizing Human Rights in Cities -
Graham Riches
Food Bank Nations: Poverty, Corporate Charity and the Right to Food

Submissions to the United Nations
Statement from Karen A. Spiller, Food Solutions New England
ICCPR Food Rights Working Group, October 16, 2023 in Geneva, Switzerland - Briefing with Human Rights Committee for Review of the U.S.A. -
Maine Senator Craig Hickman's on-line briefing statement with the Human Rights Committee for Review of the US
Shadow Report Submission to the Human Rights Committee For the United States Review: Violations of Civil and Political Rights in the United States Stemming from Hunger, Malnutrition, and Violations of the Right to Food
Report to the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food on systemic racism and hunger in the context of COVID-19 in the U.S.
The Human Right to Food in the Context of Political Participation, Equality and Nondiscrimination
Joint Submission to the United Nations Universal Periodic Review of the United States of America Thirty-Sixth Session of the Universal Periodic Review Human Rights Council -
Report on Violence and the Right to Food in the U.S. to the U.N. Special Rapporteur on the Right to Adequate Food
Olivier De Schutter, Special Rapporteur on the right to food:
Visit to Canada from 6 to 16 May 2012