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A Human Rights Perspective on Corporate Food Aid – October 2023

FIAN International, the Global Network for the Right to Food and Nutrition, and the Global Solidarity Alliance for Food, Health and Social Justice have authored a report outlining the inherent challenges of corporate food aid. Corporations and governments are promoting and codifying a false link between food waste and food security. Together, they have ignored and exacerbated deeper structural problems associated with overproduction and food waste, created new financial incentives to uphold dysfunctional industrial models of food production, and captured charity as another vehicle to consolidate corporate control of the food system. This interdependence between public and private charitable food provisioning is a failed response to ensure food security for all, with its entrenchment undermining the state’s obligation to fulfill the human right to adequate food – and it must be challenged.

Report is available in English, Spanish, and French.

The full recording of the virtual briefing is here.

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